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Catch Ed Legum’s Podcast Interview on Nashville Business Radio

September 12, 2022

Listen to Ed's Podcast Interview Hosted by Nashville's Business RadioX's John Ray

Ed Legum is a business broker and advisor with Tennessee Business Brokers. Catch his podcast interview hosted by John Ray to shed light on how a business seller and buyer engages on a business broker and asking prices are determined. 

Topics included on the podcast are as follows:
  • What’s the big picture: Why do businesses need a business broker?
  • What do sellers want?
  • What is their business worth? How do you determine the asking price?
  • What are the top three things sellers can do to increase the perceived value of their businesses?
  • Who are business buyers and what do they want?
  • What does it take to sell a business?

We invite you to listen to Ed’s informative podcast interview here:

Nashville Business Radio is produced virtually from the Nashville studio of Business RadioX®. 

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